Importing NIF CMT File Data

VISRAD can import data from XML-formatted files generated by the NIF CMT (Campaign Management Tool). This capability, added to support NIF TaLIS Interference Checks, extends importing NIF CMT laser beam pointing data described in Importing NIF CMT Pointing Data.

To import data from a CMT XML file, select the NIF-OPS | TaLIS Checks menu item, and click in the Import Data button in the upper left corner of the TaLIS Checks Controller. Select the Browse button to browse for the CMT XML file.

Alternatively, VISRAD can be started from the command line, using the "-n" option to specify the CMT XML filepath (e.g., "visrad.exe -n filepath" ). When this is done, VISRAD automatically brings up the TaLIS Checks Controller with the CMT filepath set.

The following laser beam pointing data from the CMT file can be imported into VISRAD:

After specifying the CMT filepath, click on the Update Imports List button. This shows a list of data available in the CMT file that VISRAD recognizes. Check boxes appear to the left of each item. The data is then imported when clicking on the Import CMT Data button for each item that is checked.


When importing CPP data, if the name of the CPP in the CMT XML file is not recognized, a warning is presented. Beams with unrecognized CPP names are set to "No CPP" (see NIF CPPs for parameters).

Note that Laser Beams, Target Components, and Chamber Components can be edited and added to VISRAD after importing the CMT data.

To display a list of TaLIS Interference Checks after importing the data, click on the TaLIS Checks button in the upper left corner of the TaLIS Checks Controller.

To export results of the NIF TaLIS checks to a file, click on the Export Results button.



* Supported CPPs include: "Rev3 Outer Cone 2W CPP", "Rev3 Inner Cone 2W CPP", "1.0 Rev1 Outer Cone 2W CPP", "1.0 Rev1a Inner Cone 2W CPP", "400um CPP", and "No CPP".



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